I'd like to give you mine:
I will facilitate the collaborative exploration of the topography* of Los Angeles and the acting business based therein.
As you know, there is no one route, no blue-print of this profession.
I offer you a map of the path I have taken.
I will introduce you to people and resources I've found along the way;
insight as to where the terrain is most difficult or shortcuts to help make the journey a little easier.
The actual hiking is up to you.
You'll chart your own course, pack your own supplies.
Fortunately, there are at least 8 others starting from the same base-camp.
The likelihood of a successful expedition** is multiplied by every person in your company.
I strongly encourage you to consider your fellow mentees as resources and not competition. This is not a race. As actors, we compete against no one but ourselves.
We will meet as a group once each month to discuss where we are,
where we're headed and what we've learned.
These meetings are mandatory to participate in the program.
Sonya and I understand that actors have crazy schedules, we're actors too.
Please commit to each other and this program
as Sonya and I have committed ourselves to you.
You can reach out to us by phone and email any time and it is your responsibility to schedule an individual meeting with us between the group meetings. Your needs determine the way these 9 months are shaped.
We are here to listen.
Sonya and I are very much looking forward to getting to know and work with you. We'll spend our upcoming picnic getting acquainted with each other and our goals. We'll share our inventory and begin to set up base camp.
With my full support,
Nerd Glossary